I'm a 30 something Indian/Kiwi expat who's been calling Kuwait home for over a decade. I am a mum to two beautiful and mischievous girls who are well and truly growing up to be my mini-mes. I consider shopping and bargain hunting as physical exercise and I love playing around with makeup, though my application skills leave a lot to be desired. I've discovered a new found love for skincare (anything promising anti-aging in particular) and am enjoying taking care of my skin every night. I enjoy food and love trying out different cuisines. I also love travelling and pre-COVID, I wanted to see as much of the world as my bank balance would permit. Now? I'm just content being safe at home.
For PR enquiries, drop me a line at according2mimi@gmail.com. Or reach out to me on my instagram by sending me a DM @according_to_mimi. Cheers!
For PR enquiries, drop me a line at according2mimi@gmail.com. Or reach out to me on my instagram by sending me a DM @according_to_mimi. Cheers!