The Kuwait Road Situation

Don't get me wrong, Kuwait has some really beautiful, wide and well maintained roads.  All the main  roads and highways are amazing and as for residential areas, if you go into the mainly Kuwaiti populated areas like Zahra, Abdullah Mubarak, etc, the roads stretch out for miles with gorgeous open spaces and it is a real joy to drive around there.  

Then there's places like Abbasiya where I will never voluntarily drive to, in fact, I don't think I ever have.  The roads are congested, dirty and just not pleasant.

Thankfully I live in a middle of the road (pun intended!) location and though most of the roads are good, we have our fair share of bad inner streets like the one below.

One of the inner roads in Kuwait

Back in 2014 I remember 248am posting about this really neat app called Deera (read posts here and here), a revolutionary idea that connected the general public to the Public offices.  Using the app, you could log in complaints pertaining to a few different categories like missing sewage covers, waste, roads, etc and the complaint would be handled and corrected within a few days.  Not bad right?  It was also in English, yay!  I'd wanted to try out the app for so long, but whenever I'd spot something, I was not in a position to stop and click.

A screenshot of an incident filed in the Deera App

Anyway, on seeing this road while dropping of a friend I immediately thought of the app and registered a complaint.  Its unfortunately been a few good months now, the road is worse than it was when the photo was taken and the app seems to be dead.

That's sad and it is a reminder of how we need to keep the good stuff going strong.  Once in a while, someone has an idea and they put it into action for a short period before people start losing interest and advancements like this are just forgotten.

Is there another app out there that I can register complaints?  No, not just a place for complaints, but something where problems are actually considered, studied and hopefully rectified.  

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